Durham Republican Town Committee


The Mission of the Durham Republican Town Committee is to promote the principles of the party by: helping elect Republican candidates to local, state and federal offices; and, recruiting talented people to serve on town boards and commissions.


Fiscal responsibility: appropriately-sized government, operating efficiently, supported by a vibrant tax base of agricultural, commercial, industrial, and residential properties.

Appropriate regulation: regulations should serve to bolster the cohesiveness of the community, while respecting the rights of individuals, families, and businesses to contribute to the community, each in their unique way. 


Chair: Philip S. Augur chair@durhamrtc.org 

Vice-Chair: William C. LaFlamme wclaflamme@snet.net 

Secretary: Louis Battipaglia loubattipaglia@gmail.com 

Treasurer: Adam C. Jones  adamcjones2006@gmail.com

Deputy Treasurer: John G. Tuttle jgtuttle79@gmail.com 


The DRTC meets monthly on the third Thursday. Meetings are held on the third floor of Durham Town Hall at 7:00 pm.

Republican Party Rules

In Connecticut, Republican Town Committees are governed by the Connecticut Republican Rules and Bylaws.  Matters left to local control are governed by the Republican Party Rules - Durham, Connecticut.

Support the DRTC

In addition to volunteering to help with campaigns, and voting for Republican candidates, direct financial support of the DRTC is invaluable.

You can send your check made payable to the Durham Republican Town Committee to PO Box 75 if you print and fill out this form

or, you can donate online here where the same information required by the Conn. State Elections Enforcement Commission will be captured

Thank you!